3 Ways a Dentist May Fix a Chipped Tooth

Chipped Tooth Jenkintown, PA

A chipped tooth tends to occur at the worst possible times. It might be a result of getting hit in the face while playing a contact sport or biting into hard candy. Chipped teeth require treatment regardless of how minor they might seem. The damage usually removes portions of enamel, creating a weak point for acids to attack the tooth. As a result, a chipped tooth is more susceptible to tooth decay than a healthy one.

Treatments that a dentist might recommend for a chipped tooth

Dentists have several treatments at their disposal that can be used to restore chips. The severity of the damage to the patient’s tooth often determines which treatments are recommended by the dentist. Factors like how much the patient is willing to pay also play a role. Popular treatments for chipped tooth include the following.

1. Composite bonding

This process involves applying a composite resin made from mixtures of plastics and glass. The composite is color-matched with the rest of the patient’s teeth so any repairs made do not stick out. Applying a composite to a person’s tooth is a non-invasive treatment, so it can be replaced if a better solution is developed in the future.

The process starts with the dentist preparing the patient’s tooth for the procedure by removing any debris left in the tooth and cleaning the area. An etching solution that consists of about 35% of phosphoric acid is then used to roughen the outer surface of a tooth. It leads to a better bond with the composite.

The putty-like resin is applied to the tooth and shaped as desired. It is hardened with a curing light and polished to finish the process. The entire process takes about 45 minutes.

2. Veneers

A veneer is a tooth-shaped shell that is cemented to the front side of a tooth. It is used to hide flaws like a chipped tooth. The veneer looks like a real tooth, so it is virtually impossible to tell that the patient has had any work done on their teeth. The process of getting veneers typically requires two trips to the dentist. During the first visit, the patient’s tooth is prepared for the restoration by removing portions of enamel.

3. Crowns

Dental crowns are versatile restorations that can be used to address severely chipped teeth. These restorations completely cover the visible part of a tooth and hide its flaws. A crown also protects the tooth from irritants in the mouth, like acids and bacteria. It is a long-lasting solution for a chipped tooth.

Get your chipped teeth fixed

Tired of your chipped tooth ruining the way that your smile looks? Give us a call or visit our Jenkintown clinic to set up an appointment with our dentist.

Request an appointment here: https://www.mvpfamilydental.com or call MVP Family Dental at (215) 892-1438 for an appointment in our Jenkintown office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: What Should I Do If I Chip My Tooth in Jenkintown, PA.

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